1. Data type

    What is Python type()  Function?

    To define the values ​​of various data types and check their data types we use the type() function. Consider the following examples.


    # DataType Output: str
    x = "Hello World"
    # DataType Output: int
    x = 50
    # DataType Output: float
    x = 60.5
    # DataType Output: complex
    x = 3j
    # DataType Output: list
    x = ["geeks", "for", "geeks"]
    # DataType Output: tuple
    x = ("geeks", "for", "geeks")
    # DataType Output: range
    x = range(10)
    # DataType Output: dict
    x = {"name": "Suraj", "age": 24}
    # DataType Output: set
    x = {"geeks", "for", "geeks"}
    # DataType Output: frozenset
    x = frozenset({"geeks", "for", "geeks"})
    # DataType Output: bool
    x = True
    # DataType Output: bytes
    x = b"Geeks"
    # DataType Output: bytearray
    x = bytearray(4)
    # DataType Output: memoryview
    x = memoryview(bytes(6))
    # DataType Output: NoneType
    x = None

    Numeric Data Type in Python

    The numeric data type in Python represents the data that has a numeric value. A numeric value can be an integer, a floating number, or even a complex number. These values are defined as Python intPython float, and Python complex classes in Python.

    • Integers – This value is represented by int class. It contains positive or negative whole numbers (without fractions or decimals). In Python, there is no limit to how long an integer value can be.
    • Float – This value is represented by the float class. It is a real number with a floating-point representation. It is specified by a decimal point. Optionally, the character e or E followed by a positive or negative integer may be appended to specify scientific notation.
    • Complex Numbers – Complex number is represented by a complex class. It is specified as (real part) + (imaginary part)j. For example – 2+3j

    Note – type() function is used to determine the type of data type. 


    # Python program to
    # demonstrate numeric value
    a = 5
    print("Type of a: ", type(a))
    b = 5.0
    print("\nType of b: ", type(b))
    c = 2 + 4j
    print("\nType of c: ", type(c))


    Type of a:  <class 'int'>
    Type of b:  <class 'float'>
    Type of c:  <class 'complex'>

    Sequence Data Type in Python

    The sequence Data Type in Python is the ordered collection of similar or different data types. Sequences allow storing of multiple values in an organized and efficient fashion. There are several sequence types in Python –

    String Data Type

    Strings in Python are arrays of bytes representing Unicode characters. A string is a collection of one or more characters put in a single quote, double-quote, or triple-quote. In python there is no character data type, a character is a string of length one. It is represented by str class.  

    Creating String

    Strings in Python can be created using single quotes or double quotes or even triple quotes. 


    # Python Program for
    # Creation of String
    # Creating a String
    # with single Quotes
    String1 = 'Welcome to the Geeks World'
    print("String with the use of Single Quotes: ")
    # Creating a String
    # with double Quotes
    String1 = "I'm a Geek"
    print("\nString with the use of Double Quotes: ")
    # Creating a String
    # with triple Quotes
    String1 = '''I'm a Geek and I live in a world of "Geeks"'''
    print("\nString with the use of Triple Quotes: ")
    # Creating String with triple
    # Quotes allows multiple lines
    String1 = '''Geeks
    print("\nCreating a multiline String: ")


    String with the use of Single Quotes: 
    Welcome to the Geeks World
    String with the use of Double Quotes: 
    I'm a Geek
    <class 'str'>
    String with the use of Triple Quotes: 
    I'm a Geek and I live in a world of "Geeks"
    <class 'str'>
    Creating a multiline String: 

    Accessing elements of String

    In Python, individual characters of a String can be accessed by using the method of Indexing. Negative Indexing allows negative address references to access characters from the back of the String, e.g. -1 refers to the last character, -2 refers to the second last character, and so on. 


    # Python Program to Access
    # characters of String
    String1 = "GeeksForGeeks"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Printing First character
    print("\nFirst character of String is: ")
    # Printing Last character
    print("\nLast character of String is: ")


    Initial String: 
    First character of String is: 
    Last character of String is: 

     List Data Type

    Lists are just like arrays, declared in other languages which is an ordered collection of data. It is very flexible as the items in a list do not need to be of the same type.  

    Creating List 

    Lists in Python can be created by just placing the sequence inside the square brackets[]. 


    # Creating a List
    List = []
    print("Initial blank List: ")
    # Creating a List with
    # the use of a String
    List = ['GeeksForGeeks']
    print("\nList with the use of String: ")
    # Creating a List with
    # the use of multiple values
    List = ["Geeks", "For", "Geeks"]
    print("\nList containing multiple values: ")
    # Creating a Multi-Dimensional List
    # (By Nesting a list inside a List)
    List = [['Geeks', 'For'], ['Geeks']]
    print("\nMulti-Dimensional List: ")


    Initial blank List: 
    List with the use of String: 
    List containing multiple values: 
    Multi-Dimensional List: 
    [['Geeks', 'For'], ['Geeks']]

    Python Access List Items

    In order to access the list items refer to the index number. Use the index operator [ ] to access an item in a list. In Python, negative sequence indexes represent positions from the end of the array. Instead of having to compute the offset as in List[len(List)-3], it is enough to just write List[-3]. Negative indexing means beginning from the end, -1 refers to the last item, -2 refers to the second-last item, etc. 


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # accessing of element from list
    # Creating a List with
    # the use of multiple values
    List = ["Geeks", "For", "Geeks"]
    # accessing a element from the
    # list using index number
    print("Accessing element from the list")
    # accessing a element using
    # negative indexing
    print("Accessing element using negative indexing")
    # print the last element of list
    # print the third last element of list


    Accessing element from the list
    Accessing element using negative indexing

    Note – To know more about Lists, refer to Python List.  

    Tuple Data Type

    Just like a list, a tuple is also an ordered collection of Python objects. The only difference between a tuple and a list is that tuples are immutable i.e. tuples cannot be modified after it is created. It is represented by a tuple class.  

    Creating a Tuple

    In Python, tuples are created by placing a sequence of values separated by a ‘comma’ with or without the use of parentheses for grouping the data sequence. Tuples can contain any number of elements and of any datatype (like strings, integers, lists, etc.). Note: Tuples can also be created with a single element, but it is a bit tricky. Having one element in the parentheses is not sufficient, there must be a trailing ‘comma’ to make it a tuple.


    # Creating an empty tuple
    Tuple1 = ()
    print("Initial empty Tuple: ")
    # Creating a Tuple with
    # the use of Strings
    Tuple1 = ('Geeks', 'For')
    print("\nTuple with the use of String: ")
    # Creating a Tuple with
    # the use of list
    list1 = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
    print("\nTuple using List: ")
    # Creating a Tuple with the
    # use of built-in function
    Tuple1 = tuple('Geeks')
    print("\nTuple with the use of function: ")
    # Creating a Tuple
    # with nested tuples
    Tuple1 = (0, 1, 2, 3)
    Tuple2 = ('python', 'geek')
    Tuple3 = (Tuple1, Tuple2)
    print("\nTuple with nested tuples: ")


    Initial empty Tuple: 
    Tuple with the use of String: 
    ('Geeks', 'For')
    Tuple using List: 
    (1, 2, 4, 5, 6)
    Tuple with the use of function: 
    ('G', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's')
    Tuple with nested tuples: 
    ((0, 1, 2, 3), ('python', 'geek'))

    Note – The creation of a Python tuple without the use of parentheses is known as Tuple Packing.

    Access Tuple Items

    In order to access the tuple items refer to the index number. Use the index operator [ ] to access an item in a tuple. The index must be an integer. Nested tuples are accessed using nested indexing. 


    # Python program to
    # demonstrate accessing tuple
    tuple1 = tuple([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    # Accessing element using indexing
    print("First element of tuple")
    # Accessing element from last
    # negative indexing
    print("\nLast element of tuple")
    print("\nThird last element of tuple")


    First element of tuple
    Last element of tuple
    Third last element of tuple

    Note – To know more about tuples, refer to Python Tuples.

    Boolean Data Type in Python

    Data type with one of the two built-in values, True or False. Boolean objects that are equal to True are truthy (true), and those equal to False are falsy (false). But non-Boolean objects can be evaluated in a Boolean context as well and determined to be true or false. It is denoted by the class bool. 

    Note – True and False with capital ‘T’ and ‘F’ are valid booleans otherwise python will throw an error. 


    # Python program to
    # demonstrate boolean type


    <class 'bool'>
    <class 'bool'>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/", line 8, in 
    NameError: name 'true' is not defined

    Set Data Type in Python

    In Python, a Set is an unordered collection of data types that is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate elements. The order of elements in a set is undefined though it may consist of various elements.

    Create a Set in Python

    Sets can be created by using the built-in set() function with an iterable object or a sequence by placing the sequence inside curly braces, separated by a ‘comma’. The type of elements in a set need not be the same, various mixed-up data type values can also be passed to the set. 


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # Creation of Set in Python
    # Creating a Set
    set1 = set()
    print("Initial blank Set: ")
    # Creating a Set with
    # the use of a String
    set1 = set("GeeksForGeeks")
    print("\nSet with the use of String: ")
    # Creating a Set with
    # the use of a List
    set1 = set(["Geeks", "For", "Geeks"])
    print("\nSet with the use of List: ")
    # Creating a Set with
    # a mixed type of values
    # (Having numbers and strings)
    set1 = set([1, 2, 'Geeks', 4, 'For', 6, 'Geeks'])
    print("\nSet with the use of Mixed Values")


    Initial blank Set: 
    Set with the use of String: 
    {'F', 'o', 'G', 's', 'r', 'k', 'e'}
    Set with the use of List: 
    {'Geeks', 'For'}
    Set with the use of Mixed Values
    {1, 2, 4, 6, 'Geeks', 'For'}

    Access Set Items

    Set items cannot be accessed by referring to an index, since sets are unordered the items has no index. But you can loop through the set items using a for loop, or ask if a specified value is present in a set, by using the in the keyword. 


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # Accessing of elements in a set
    # Creating a set
    set1 = set(["Geeks", "For", "Geeks"])
    print("\nInitial set")
    # Accessing element using
    # for loop
    print("\nElements of set: ")
    for i in set1:
        print(i, end=" ")
    # Checking the element
    # using in keyword
    print("Geeks" in set1)


    Initial set: 
    {'Geeks', 'For'}
    Elements of set: 
    Geeks For 

    Note – To know more about sets, refer to Python Sets.

    Dictionary Data Type in Python

    A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of data values, used to store data values like a map, unlike other Data Types that hold only a single value as an element, a Dictionary holds a key: value pair. Key-value is provided in the dictionary to make it more optimized. Each key-value pair in a Dictionary is separated by a colon : , whereas each key is separated by a ‘comma’.

    Create a Dictionary

    In Python, a Dictionary can be created by placing a sequence of elements within curly {} braces, separated by ‘comma’. Values in a dictionary can be of any datatype and can be duplicated, whereas keys can’t be repeated and must be immutable. The dictionary can also be created by the built-in function dict(). An empty dictionary can be created by just placing it in curly braces{}. Note – Dictionary keys are case sensitive, the same name but different cases of Key will be treated distinctly. 


    # Creating an empty Dictionary
    Dict = {}
    print("Empty Dictionary: ")
    # Creating a Dictionary
    # with Integer Keys
    Dict = {1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For', 3: 'Geeks'}
    print("\nDictionary with the use of Integer Keys: ")
    # Creating a Dictionary
    # with Mixed keys
    Dict = {'Name': 'Geeks', 1: [1, 2, 3, 4]}
    print("\nDictionary with the use of Mixed Keys: ")
    # Creating a Dictionary
    # with dict() method
    Dict = dict({1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For', 3: 'Geeks'})
    print("\nDictionary with the use of dict(): ")
    # Creating a Dictionary
    # with each item as a Pair
    Dict = dict([(1, 'Geeks'), (2, 'For')])
    print("\nDictionary with each item as a pair: ")


    Empty Dictionary: 
    Dictionary with the use of Integer Keys: 
    {1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For', 3: 'Geeks'}
    Dictionary with the use of Mixed Keys: 
    {1: [1, 2, 3, 4], 'Name': 'Geeks'}
    Dictionary with the use of dict(): 
    {1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For', 3: 'Geeks'}
    Dictionary with each item as a pair: 
    {1: 'Geeks', 2: 'For'}

    Accessing Key-value in Dictionary

    In order to access the items of a dictionary refer to its key name. Key can be used inside square brackets. There is also a method called get() that will also help in accessing the element from a dictionary. 


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # accessing a element from a Dictionary
    # Creating a Dictionary
    Dict = {1: 'Geeks', 'name': 'For', 3: 'Geeks'}
    # accessing a element using key
    print("Accessing a element using key:")
    # accessing a element using get()
    # method
    print("Accessing a element using get:")


    Accessing a element using key:
    Accessing a element using get:
  3. Creating a String in Python

    Strings in Python can be created using single quotes or double quotes or even triple quotes. Let us see how we can define a string in Python.


    In this example, we will demonstrate different ways to create a Python String. We will create a string using single quotes (‘ ‘), double quotes (” “), and triple double quotes (“”” “””). The triple quotes can be used to declare multiline strings in Python.

    # Python Program for
    # Creation of String
    # Creating a String
    # with single Quotes
    String1 = 'Welcome to the Geeks World'
    print("String with the use of Single Quotes: ")
    # Creating a String
    # with double Quotes
    String1 = "I'm a Geek"
    print("\nString with the use of Double Quotes: ")
    # Creating a String
    # with triple Quotes
    String1 = '''I'm a Geek and I live in a world of "Geeks"'''
    print("\nString with the use of Triple Quotes: ")
    # Creating String with triple
    # Quotes allows multiple lines
    String1 = '''Geeks
    print("\nCreating a multiline String: ")


    String with the use of Single Quotes: 
    Welcome to the Geeks World
    String with the use of Double Quotes:
    I'm a Geek
    String with the use of Triple Quotes:
    I'm a Geek and I live in a world of "Geeks"
    Creating a multiline String:

    Accessing characters in Python String

    In Python, individual characters of a String can be accessed by using the method of Indexing. Indexing allows negative address references to access characters from the back of the String, e.g. -1 refers to the last character, -2 refers to the second last character, and so on. 

    While accessing an index out of the range will cause an IndexError. Only Integers are allowed to be passed as an index, float or other types that will cause a TypeError.

    Python String indexing

    Python String indexing


    In this example, we will define a string in Python and access its characters using positive and negative indexing. The 0th element will be the first character of the string whereas the -1th element is the last character of the string.

    # Python Program to Access
    # characters of String
    String1 = "GeeksForGeeks"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Printing First character
    print("\nFirst character of String is: ")
    # Printing Last character
    print("\nLast character of String is: ")


    Initial String: 
    First character of String is:
    Last cha racter of String is:

    String Slicing

    In Python, the String Slicing method is used to access a range of characters in the String. Slicing in a String is done by using a Slicing operator, i.e., a colon (:).  One thing to keep in mind while using this method is that the string returned after slicing includes the character at the start index but not the character at the last index.


    In this example, we will use the string-slicing method to extract a substring of the original string. The [3:12] indicates that the string slicing will start from the 3rd index of the string to the 12th index, (12th character not including). We can also use negative indexing in string slicing.

    # Python Program to
    # demonstrate String slicing
    # Creating a String
    String1 = "GeeksForGeeks"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Printing 3rd to 12th character
    print("\nSlicing characters from 3-12: ")
    # Printing characters between
    # 3rd and 2nd last character
    print("\nSlicing characters between " +
          "3rd and 2nd last character: ")


    Initial String: 
    Slicing characters from 3-12:
    Slicing characters between 3rd and 2nd last character:

    Reversing a Python String

    By accessing characters from a string, we can also reverse strings in Python. We can Reverse a string by using String slicing method.


    In this example, we will reverse a string by accessing the index. We did not specify the first two parts of the slice indicating that we are considering the whole string, from the start index to the last index.

    #Program to reverse a string
    gfg = "geeksforgeeks"




    We can also reverse a string by using built-in join and reversed functions, and passing the string as the parameter to the reversed() function.

    # Program to reverse a string
    gfg = "geeksforgeeks"
    # Reverse the string using reversed and join function
    gfg = "".join(reversed(gfg))



    Deleting/Updating from a String

    In Python, the Updation or deletion of characters from a String is not allowed. This will cause an error because item assignment or item deletion from a String is not supported. Although deletion of the entire String is possible with the use of a built-in del keyword. This is because Strings are immutable, hence elements of a String cannot be changed once assigned. Only new strings can be reassigned to the same name. 

    Updating a character

    A character of a string can be updated in Python by first converting the string into a Python List and then updating the element in the list. As lists are mutable in nature, we can update the character and then convert the list back into the String.

    Another method is using the string slicing method. Slice the string before the character you want to update, then add the new character and finally add the other part of the string again by string slicing.


    In this example, we are using both the list and the string slicing method to update a character. We converted the String1 to a list, changes its value at a particular element, and then converted it back to a string using the Python string join() method.

    In the string-slicing method, we sliced the string up to the character we want to update, concatenated the new character, and finally concatenate the remaining part of the string.

    # Python Program to Update
    # character of a String
    String1 = "Hello, I'm a Geek"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Updating a character of the String
    ## As python strings are immutable, they don't support item updation directly
    ### there are following two ways
    list1 = list(String1)
    list1[2] = 'p'
    String2 = ''.join(list1)
    print("\nUpdating character at 2nd Index: ")
    String3 = String1[0:2] + 'p' + String1[3:]


    Initial String: 
    Hello, I'm a Geek
    Updating character at 2nd Index: 
    Heplo, I'm a Geek
    Heplo, I'm a Geek

    Updating Entire String

    As Python strings are immutable in nature, we cannot update the existing string. We can only assign a completely new value to the variable with the same name.


    In this example, we first assign a value to ‘String1’ and then updated it by assigning a completely different value to it. We simply changed its reference.

    # Python Program to Update
    # entire String
    String1 = "Hello, I'm a Geek"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Updating a String
    String1 = "Welcome to the Geek World"
    print("\nUpdated String: ")


    Initial String: 
    Hello, I'm a Geek
    Updated String:
    Welcome to the Geek World

    Deleting a character

    Python strings are immutable, that means we cannot delete a character from it. When we try to delete thecharacter using the del keyword, it will generate an error.

    # Python Program to delete
    # character of a String
    String1 = "Hello, I'm a Geek"
    print("Initial String: ")
    print("Deleting character at 2nd Index: ")
    del String1[2]


    Initial String: 
    Hello, I'm a Geek
    Deleting character at 2nd Index:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "e:\GFG\Python codes\Codes\", line 9, in <module>
    del String1[2]
    TypeError: 'str' object doesn't support item deletion

    But using slicing we can remove the character from the original string and store the result in a new string.


    In this example, we will first slice the string up to the character that we want to delete and then concatenate the remaining string next from the deleted character.

    # Python Program to Delete
    # characters from a String
    String1 = "Hello, I'm a Geek"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Deleting a character
    # of the String
    String2 = String1[0:2] + String1[3:]
    print("\nDeleting character at 2nd Index: ")


    Initial String: 
    Hello, I'm a Geek
    Deleting character at 2nd Index: 
    Helo, I'm a Geek

    Deleting Entire String

    Deletion of the entire string is possible with the use of del keyword. Further, if we try to print the string, this will produce an error because the String is deleted and is unavailable to be printed.  

    # Python Program to Delete
    # entire String
    String1 = "Hello, I'm a Geek"
    print("Initial String: ")
    # Deleting a String
    # with the use of del
    del String1
    print("\nDeleting entire String: ")


    Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "/home/", line 12, in 
    NameError: name 'String1' is not defined

    Escape Sequencing in Python

    While printing Strings with single and double quotes in it causes SyntaxError because String already contains Single and Double Quotes and hence cannot be printed with the use of either of these. Hence, to print such a String either Triple Quotes are used or Escape sequences are used to print Strings. 

    Escape sequences start with a backslash and can be interpreted differently. If single quotes are used to represent a string, then all the single quotes present in the string must be escaped and the same is done for Double Quotes. 


    # Python Program for
    # Escape Sequencing
    # of String
    # Initial String
    String1 = '''I'm a "Geek"'''
    print("Initial String with use of Triple Quotes: ")
    # Escaping Single Quote
    String1 = 'I\'m a "Geek"'
    print("\nEscaping Single Quote: ")
    # Escaping Double Quotes
    String1 = "I'm a \"Geek\""
    print("\nEscaping Double Quotes: ")
    # Printing Paths with the
    # use of Escape Sequences
    String1 = "C:\\Python\\Geeks\\"
    print("\nEscaping Backslashes: ")
    # Printing Paths with the
    # use of Tab
    String1 = "Hi\tGeeks"
    print("\nTab: ")
    # Printing Paths with the
    # use of New Line
    String1 = "Python\nGeeks"
    print("\nNew Line: ")


    Initial String with use of Triple Quotes: 
    I'm a "Geek"
    Escaping Single Quote:
    I'm a "Geek"
    Escaping Double Quotes:
    I'm a "Geek"
    Escaping Backslashes:
    Hi Geeks
    New Line:


    To ignore the escape sequences in a String, r or R is used, this implies that the string is a raw string and escape sequences inside it are to be ignored.

    # Printing hello in octal
    String1 = "\110\145\154\154\157"
    print("\nPrinting in Octal with the use of Escape Sequences: ")
    # Using raw String to
    # ignore Escape Sequences
    String1 = r"This is \110\145\154\154\157"
    print("\nPrinting Raw String in Octal Format: ")
    # Printing Geeks in HEX
    String1 = "This is \x47\x65\x65\x6b\x73 in \x48\x45\x58"
    print("\nPrinting in HEX with the use of Escape Sequences: ")
    # Using raw String to
    # ignore Escape Sequences
    String1 = r"This is \x47\x65\x65\x6b\x73 in \x48\x45\x58"
    print("\nPrinting Raw String in HEX Format: ")


    Printing in Octal with the use of Escape Sequences: 
    Printing Raw String in Octal Format:
    This is \110\145\154\154\157
    Printing in HEX with the use of Escape Sequences:
    This is Geeks in HEX
    Printing Raw String in HEX Format:
    This is \x47\x65\x65\x6b\x73 in \x48\x45\x58

    Formatting of Strings

    Strings in Python can be formatted with the use of format() method which is a very versatile and powerful tool for formatting Strings. Format method in String contains curly braces {} as placeholders which can hold arguments according to position or keyword to specify the order.

    Example 1:

    In this example, we will declare a string which contains the curly braces {} that acts as a placeholders and provide them values to see how string declaration position matters.

    # Python Program for
    # Formatting of Strings
    # Default order
    String1 = "{} {} {}".format('Geeks', 'For', 'Life')
    print("Print String in default order: ")
    # Positional Formatting
    String1 = "{1} {0} {2}".format('Geeks', 'For', 'Life')
    print("\nPrint String in Positional order: ")
    # Keyword Formatting
    String1 = "{l} {f} {g}".format(g='Geeks', f='For', l='Life')
    print("\nPrint String in order of Keywords: ")


    Print String in default order: 
    Geeks For Life
    Print String in Positional order:
    For Geeks Life
    Print String in order of Keywords:
    Life For Geeks

    Example 2:

    Integers such as Binary, hexadecimal, etc., and floats can be rounded or displayed in the exponent form with the use of format specifiers. 

    # Formatting of Integers
    String1 = "{0:b}".format(16)
    print("\nBinary representation of 16 is ")
    # Formatting of Floats
    String1 = "{0:e}".format(165.6458)
    print("\nExponent representation of 165.6458 is ")
    # Rounding off Integers
    String1 = "{0:.2f}".format(1/6)
    print("\none-sixth is : ")


    Binary representation of 16 is 
    Exponent representation of 165.6458 is
    one-sixth is :

    Example 3:

    A string can be left, right, or center aligned with the use of format specifiers, separated by a colon(:). The (<) indicates that the string should be aligned to the left, (>) indicates that the string should be aligned to the right and (^) indicates that the string should be aligned to the center. We can also specify the length in which it should be aligned. For example, (<10) means that the string should be aligned to the left within a field of width of 10 characters.

    # String alignment
    String1 = "|{:<10}|{:^10}|{:>10}|".format('Geeks',
    print("\nLeft, center and right alignment with Formatting: ")
    # To demonstrate aligning of spaces
    String1 = "\n{0:^16} was founded in {1:<4}!".format("GeeksforGeeks",


    Left, center and right alignment with Formatting: 
    |Geeks | for | Geeks|
    GeeksforGeeks was founded in 2009 !

    Example 4:

    Old-style formatting was done without the use of the format method by using the % operator 

    # Python Program for
    # Old Style Formatting
    # of Integers
    Integer1 = 12.3456789
    print("Formatting in 3.2f format: ")
    print('The value of Integer1 is %3.2f' % Integer1)
    print("\nFormatting in 3.4f format: ")
    print('The value of Integer1 is %3.4f' % Integer1)


    Formatting in 3.2f format: 
    The value of Integer1 is 12.35
    Formatting in 3.4f format:
    The value of Integer1 is 12.3457

    Useful Python String Operations  

    Python String constants 

    Built-In Function



    Concatenation of the ascii_lowercase and ascii_uppercase constants.


    Concatenation of lowercase letters


    Concatenation of uppercase letters


    Digit in strings


    Hexadigit in strings


    concatenation of the strings lowercase and uppercase


    A string must contain lowercase letters.


    Octadigit in a string


    ASCII characters having punctuation characters.


    String of characters which are printable


    Returns True if a string ends with the given suffix otherwise returns False


    Returns True if a string starts with the given prefix otherwise returns False


    Returns “True” if all characters in the string are digits, Otherwise, It returns “False”.


    Returns “True” if all characters in the string are alphabets, Otherwise, It returns “False”.


    Returns true if all characters in a string are decimal.


    one of the string formatting methods in Python3, which allows multiple substitutions and value formatting.


    Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring in a string


    A string must contain uppercase letters.


    A string containing all characters that are considered whitespace.


    Method converts all uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa of the given string, and returns it


    returns a copy of the string where all occurrences of a substring is replaced with another substring.

    Deprecated string functions

    Built-In Function



    Returns true if all characters in a string are decimal


    Returns true if all the characters in a given string are alphanumeric.


    Returns True if the string is a title cased string


    splits the string at the first occurrence of the separator and returns a tuple.


    Check whether a string is a valid identifier or not.


    Returns the length of the string.


    Returns the highest index of the substring inside the string if substring is found.


    Returns the highest alphabetical character in a string.


    Returns the minimum alphabetical character in a string.


    Returns a list of lines in the string.


    Return a word with its first character capitalized.


    Expand tabs in a string replacing them by one or more spaces


    Return the lowest indexing a sub string.


    find the highest index.


    Return the number of (non-overlapping) occurrences of substring sub in string


    Return a copy of s, but with upper case, letters converted to lower case.


    Return a list of the words of the string, If the optional second argument sep is absent or None


    Return a list of the words of the string s, scanning s from the end.


    Method splits the given string into three parts


    Return a list of the words of the string when only used with two arguments.


    Concatenate a list or tuple of words with intervening occurrences of sep.


    It returns a copy of the string with both leading and trailing white spaces removed


    Return a copy of the string with leading white spaces removed.


    Return a copy of the string with trailing white spaces removed.


    Converts lower case letters to upper case and vice versa.


    Translate the characters using table


    lower case letters converted to upper case.


    left-justify in a field of given width.


    Right-justify in a field of given width.

    Center-justify in a field of given width.


    Pad a numeric string on the left with zero digits until the given width is reached.


    Return a copy of string s with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.


    Returns the string in lowercase which can be used for caseless comparisons.


    Encodes the string into any encoding supported by Python. The default encoding is utf-8.


    Returns a translation table usable for str.translate()

  4. string = "Geeksforgeeks"
    tup = (1,2,3)
    # with list
    l = [1,2,3,4]
    dic = {'a':1, 'b': 2}
    s = { 1, 2, 3, 4}
  5. Python slicing can be done in two ways:

    • Using a slice() method
    • Using the array slicing  [:: ] method

    Index tracker for positive and negative index: String indexing and slicing in python. Here, the Negative comes into consideration when tracking the string in reverse. 


    Method 1: Using the slice() method

    The slice() constructor creates a slice object representing the set of indices specified by range(start, stop, step).


    • slice(stop)
    • slice(start, stop, step)

    Parameters: start: Starting index where the slicing of object starts. stop: Ending index where the slicing of object stops. step: It is an optional argument that determines the increment between each index for slicing. Return Type: Returns a sliced object containing elements in the given range only. 



    # Python program to demonstrate
    # string slicing
    # String slicing
    String = 'ASTRING'
    # Using slice constructor
    s1 = slice(3)
    s2 = slice(1, 5, 2)
    s3 = slice(-1, -12, -2)
    print("String slicing")
    String slicing

    Method 2: Using the List/array slicing  [ :: ]  method

    In Python, indexing syntax can be used as a substitute for the slice object. This is an easy and convenient way to slice a string using list slicing and Array slicing both syntax-wise and execution-wise. A start, end, and step have the same mechanism as the slice() constructor. 

    Below we will see string slicing in Python with examples.


    arr[start:stop]         # items start through stop-1
    arr[start:]             # items start through the rest of the array
    arr[:stop]              # items from the beginning through stop-1
    arr[:]                  # a copy of the whole array
    arr[start:stop:step]    # start through not past stop, by step

    Example 1:

    In this example, we will see slicing in python list the index start from 0 indexes and ending with a 2 index(stops at 3-1=2 ).


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # string slicing
    # String slicing
    String = 'GEEKSFORGEEKS'
    # Using indexing sequence



    Example 2:

    In this example, we will see the example of starting from 1 index and ending with a 5 index(stops at 3-1=2 ), and the skipping step is 2. It is a good example of Python slicing string by character.


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # string slicing
    # String slicing
    String = 'GEEKSFORGEEKS'
    # Using indexing sequence



    Example 3:

    In this example, we will see the example of starting from -1 indexes and ending with a -12 index(stops at 3-1=2 )and the skipping step is -2.


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # string slicing
    # String slicing
    String = 'GEEKSFORGEEKS'
    # Using indexing sequence



    Example 4:

    In this example, the whole string is printed in reverse order.


    # Python program to demonstrate
    # string slicing
    # String slicing
    String = 'GEEKSFORGEEKS'
    # Prints string in reverse



    Using islice()
    The islice() is a built-in function defined in itertools module. It is used to get an iterator which is an index-based slicing of any iterable. It works like a standard slice but returns an iterator.


    itertools.islice(iterable, start, stop[, step])
    Parameters: iterable: Any iterable sequence like list, string, tuple etc. start: The start index from where the slicing of iterable starts. stop: The end index from where the slicing of iterable ends. step: An optional argument. It specifies the gap between each index for slicing. Return Type: Return an iterator from the given iterable sequence.



    # Python program to demonstrate
    # islice()
    import itertools
    # Using islice()
    String = 'GEEKSFORGEEKS'
    # prints characters from 3 to 7 skipping one character.
    print(''.join(itertools.islice(String, 3, 7)))
    #This code is contributed by Edula Vinay Kumar Reddy

    Reverse a string

    def reverse(s):
        str = ""
        for i in s:
            str = i + str
        return str
    s = "Geeksforgeeks"
    print("The original string is : ", end="")
    print("The reversed string(using loops) is : ", end="")
    The original string is : Geeksforgeeks
    The reversed string(using loops) is : skeegrofskeeG
    def reverse(s):
        if len(s) == 0:
            return s
            return reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]
    # Function to create an empty stack. It
    # initializes size of stack as 0
    def createStack():
        stack = []
        return stack
    # Function to determine the size of the stack
    def size(stack):
        return len(stack)
    # Stack is empty if the size is 0
    def isEmpty(stack):
        if size(stack) == 0:
            return true
    # Function to add an item to stack . It
    # increases size by 1
    def push(stack, item):
    # Function to remove an item from stack.
    # It decreases size by 1
    def pop(stack):
        if isEmpty(stack):
        return stack.pop()
    # A stack based function to reverse a string
    def reverse(string):
        n = len(string)
        # Create a empty stack
        stack = createStack()
        # Push all characters of string to stack
        for i in range(0, n, 1):
            push(stack, string[i])
        # Making the string empty since all
        # characters are saved in stack
        string = ""
        # Pop all characters of string and put
        # them back to string
        for i in range(0, n, 1):
            string += pop(stack)
        return string
    # Driver code
    s = "Geeksforgeeks"
    print("The original string is : ", end="")
    print("The reversed string(using stack) is : ", end="")
    The original string is : Geeksforgeeks
    The reversed string(using stack) is : skeegrofskeeG
    ch = "I\nLove\tGeeksforgeeks"
    print ("The string after resolving escape character is : ")
    print (ch)

    Output :

    The string after resolving escape character is : 
    Love    Geeksforgeeks
    # Python code to demonstrate printing
    # escape characters from "r" or "R"
    # initializing target string
    ch = "I\nLove\tGeeksforgeeks"
    print ("The string without r / R is : ")
    print (ch)
    print ("\r")
    # using "r" to prevent resolution
    ch1 = r"I\nLove\tGeeksforgeeks"
    print ("The string after using r is : ")
    print (ch1)
    print ("\r")
    # using "R" to prevent resolution
    ch2 = R"I\nLove\tGeeksforgeeks"
    print ("The string after using R is : ")
    print (ch2)

    Output :

    The string without r/R is : 
    Love    Geeksforgeeks
    The string after using r is : 
    The string after using R is : 

    Python RegEx

    • Regular Expressions
    • Why Regular Expressions
    • Basic Regular Expressions
    • More Regular Expressions
    • Compiled Regular Expressions

    RegEx is a powerful tool for matching text, based on a pre-defined pattern. It can detect the presence or absence of a text by matching it with a particular pattern, and also can split a pattern into one or more sub-patterns. The Python standard library provides a re module for regular expressions. Its primary function is to offer a search, where it takes a regular expression and a string. Here, it either returns the first match or else none.

    import re
    match ='portal', 'GeeksforGeeks: A computer science \
                      portal for geeks')
    print('Start Index:', match.start())
    print('End Index:', match.end())
    <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(52, 58), match='portal'>
    Start Index: 52
    End Index: 58

    Here r character (r’portal’) stands for raw, not RegEx. The raw string is slightly different from a regular string, it won’t interpret the \ character as an escape character. This is because the regular expression engine uses \ character for its own escaping purpose.

    Before starting with the Python regex module let’s see how to actually write RegEx using metacharacters or special sequences. 


    To understand the RE analogy, MetaCharacters are useful, important, and will be used in functions of module re. Below is the list of metacharacters.

    \Used to drop the special meaning of character following it
    []Represent a character class
    ^Matches the beginning
    $Matches the end
    .Matches any character except newline
    |Means OR (Matches with any of the characters separated by it.
    ?Matches zero or one occurrence
    *Any number of occurrences (including 0 occurrences)
    +One or more occurrences
    {}Indicate the number of occurrences of a preceding RegEx to match.
    ()Enclose a group of RegEx

    The group method returns the matching string, and the start and end method provides the starting and ending string index. Apart from this, it has so many other methods, which we will discuss later.

    Why RegEx?

    Let’s take a moment to understand why we should use Regular expression.

    1. Data Mining: Regular expression is the best tool for data mining. It efficiently identifies a text in a heap of text by checking with a pre-defined pattern. Some common scenarios are identifying an email, URL, or phone from a pile of text.
    2. Data Validation: Regular expression can perfectly validate data. It can include a wide array of validation processes by defining different sets of patterns. A few examples are validating phone numbers, emails, etc.

    Basic RegEx

    Let’s understand some of the basic regular expressions. They are as follows:

    • Character Classes
    • Rangers
    • Negation
    • Shortcuts
    • Beginning and End of String
    • Any Character

    Character Classes

    Character classes allow you to match a single set of characters with a possible set of characters. You can mention a character class within the square brackets. Let’s consider an example of case-sensitive words. 

    import re
    print(re.findall(r'[Gg]eeks', 'GeeksforGeeks: \
                     A computer science portal for geeks'))
    ['Geeks', 'Geeks', 'geeks']


    The range provides the flexibility to match a text with the help of a range pattern such as a range of numbers(0 to 9), a range of characters (A to Z), and so on. The hyphen character within the character class represents a range.

    import re
    print('Range','[a-zA-Z]', 'x'))
    Range <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 1), match='x'>


    Negation inverts a character class. It will look for a match except for the inverted character or range of inverted characters mentioned in the character class.

    import re
    print('[^a-z]', 'c'))

    In the above case, we have inverted the character class that ranges from a to z. If we try to match a character within the mentioned range, the regular expression engine returns None.

    Let’s consider another example

    import re
    print('G[^e]', 'Geeks'))

    Here it accepts any other character that follows G, other than e.

    List of special sequences 

    Special SequenceDescriptionExamples
    \AMatches if the string begins with the given character\Afor for geeks
    for the world
    \bMatches if the word begins or ends with the given character. \b(string) will check for the beginning of the word and (string)\b will check for the ending of the word.\bgegeeks
    \BIt is the opposite of the \b i.e. the string should not start or end with the given regex.\Bgetogether
    \dMatches any decimal digit, this is equivalent to the set class [0-9]\d123
    \DMatches any non-digit character, this is equivalent to the set class [^0-9]\Dgeeks
    \sMatches any whitespace character.\sgee ks
    a bc a
    \SMatches any non-whitespace character\Sa bd
    \wMatches any alphanumeric character, this is equivalent to the class [a-zA-Z0-9_].\w123
    \WMatches any non-alphanumeric character.\W>$
    \ZMatches if the string ends with the given regexab\Zabcdab


    Let’s discuss some of the shortcuts provided by the regular expression engine.

    • \w – matches a word character
    • \d – matches digit character
    • \s – matches whitespace character (space, tab, newline, etc.)
    • \b – matches a zero-length character

    import re
    print('Geeks:','\bGeeks\b', 'Geeks'))
    print('GeeksforGeeks:','\bGeeks\b', 'GeeksforGeeks'))
    Geeks: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 5), match='Geeks'>
    GeeksforGeeks: None

    Beginning and End of String

    The ^ character chooses the beginning of a string and the $ character chooses the end of a string.

    import re
    # Beginning of String
    match ='^Geek', 'Campus Geek of the month')
    print('Beg. of String:', match)
    match ='^Geek', 'Geek of the month')
    print('Beg. of String:', match)
    # End of String
    match ='Geeks$', 'Compute science portal-GeeksforGeeks')
    print('End of String:', match)
    Beg. of String: None
    Beg. of String: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 4), match='Geek'>
    End of String: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(31, 36), match='Geeks'>

    Any Character

    The . character represents any single character outside a bracketed character class.

    import re
    print('Any Character','', 'python 3'))
    Any Character <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 6), match='python'>

    More RegEx

    Some of the other regular expressions are as follows:

    • Optional Characters
    • Repetition
    • Shorthand
    • Grouping
    • Lookahead
    • Substitution

    Optional Characters

    Regular expression engine allows you to specify optional characters using the ? character. It allows a character or character class either to present once or else not to occur. Let’s consider the example of a word with an alternative spelling – color or colour.

    import re
    print('Color','colou?r', 'color')) 
    print('Colour','colou?r', 'colour'))
    Color <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 5), match='color'>
    Colour <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 6), match='colour'>


    Repetition enables you to repeat the same character or character class. Consider an example of a date that consists of day, month, and year. Let’s use a regular expression to identify the date (mm-dd-yyyy).

    import re
    Date{mm-dd-yyyy}: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 10), match='18-08-2020'>

    Here, the regular expression engine checks for two consecutive digits. Upon finding the match, it moves to the hyphen character. After then, it checks the next two consecutive digits, and the process is repeated.  

    Let’s discuss three other regular expressions under repetition.

    Repetition ranges

    The repetition range is useful when you have to accept one or more formats. Consider a scenario where both three digits, as well as four digits, are accepted. Let’s have a look at the regular expression.

    import re
    print('Three Digit:','[\d]{3,4}', '189'))
    print('Four Digit:','[\d]{3,4}', '2145'))
    Three Digit: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match='189'>
    Four Digit: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 4), match='2145'>

    Open-Ended Ranges

    There are scenarios where there is no limit for a character repetition. In such scenarios, you can set the upper limit as infinitive. A common example is matching street addresses. Let’s have a look  

    import re
    print('[\d]{1,}','5th Floor, A-118,\
    Sector-136, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201305'))
    <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 1), match='5'>


    Shorthand characters allow you to use + character to specify one or more ({1,}) and * character to specify zero or more ({0,}.

    import re
    print('[\d]+', '5th Floor, A-118,\
    Sector-136, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201305'))
    <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 1), match='5'>


    Grouping is the process of separating an expression into groups by using parentheses, and it allows you to fetch each individual matching group.  

    import re
    grp ='([\d]{2})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{4})', '26-08-2020')
    <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 10), match='26-08-2020'>

    Let’s see some of its functionality.

    Return the entire match

    The re module allows you to return the entire match using the group() method

    import re
    grp ='([\d]{2})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{4})','26-08-2020')

    Return a tuple of matched groups

    You can use groups() method to return a tuple that holds individual matched groups

    import re
    grp ='([\d]{2})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{4})','26-08-2020')
    ('26', '08', '2020')

    Retrieve a single group

    Upon passing the index to a group method, you can retrieve just a single group.

    import re
    grp ='([\d]{2})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{4})','26-08-2020')

    Name your groups

    The re module allows you to name your groups. Let’s look into the syntax.

    import re
    match ='(?P<dd>[\d]{2})-(?P<mm>[\d]{2})-(?P<yyyy>[\d]{4})',

    Individual match as a dictionary

    We have seen how regular expression provides a tuple of individual groups. Not only tuple, but it can also provide individual match as a dictionary in which the name of each group acts as the dictionary key.

    import re
    match ='(?P<dd>[\d]{2})-(?P<mm>[\d]{2})-(?P<yyyy>[\d]{4})',
    {'dd': '26', 'mm': '08', 'yyyy': '2020'}


    In the case of a  negated character class, it won’t match if a character is not present to check against the negated character. We can overcome this case by using lookahead; it accepts or rejects a match based on the presence or absence of content.  

    import re
    print('negation:','n[^e]', 'Python'))
    print('lookahead:','n(?!e)', 'Python'))
    negation: None
    lookahead: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(5, 6), match='n'>

    Lookahead can also disqualify the match if it is not followed by a particular character. This process is called a positive lookahead, and can be achieved by simply replacing ! character with = character.

    import re
    print('positive lookahead','n(?=e)', 'jasmine'))
    positive lookahead <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(5, 6), match='n'>


    The regular expression can replace the string and returns the replaced one using the re.sub method. It is useful when you want to avoid characters such as /, -, ., etc. before storing it to a database. It takes three arguments:

    • the regular expression
    • the replacement string
    • the source string being searched

    Let’s have a look at the below code that replaces – character from a credit card number.

    import re

    Compiled RegEx

    The Python regular expression engine can return a compiled regular expression(RegEx) object using compile function. This object has its search method and sub-method, where a developer can reuse it when in need.  

    import re
    regex = re.compile(r'([\d]{2})-([\d]{2})-([\d]{4})')
    # search method
    print('compiled reg expr','26-08-2020'))
    # sub method
    print(regex.sub(r'\1.\2.\3', '26-08-2020'))


    compiled reg expr <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 10), match=’26-08-2020′> 26.08.2020

  6. \ – Backslash

    The backslash (\) makes sure that the character is not treated in a special way. This can be considered a way of escaping metacharacters. For example, if you want to search for the dot(.) in the string then you will find that dot(.) will be treated as a special character as is one of the metacharacters (as shown in the above table). So for this case, we will use the backslash(\) just before the dot(.) so that it will lose its specialty. See the below example for a better understanding.


    import re
    s = 'geeks.forgeeks'
    # without using \
    match ='.', s)
    # using \
    match ='\.', s)
    <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='g'>
    <re.Match object; span=(5, 6), match='.'>
  7. [] – Square Brackets

    Square Brackets ([]) represent a character class consisting of a set of characters that we wish to match. For example, the character class [abc] will match any single a, b, or c. 

    We can also specify a range of characters using – inside the square brackets. For example, 

    • [0, 3] is sample as [0123]
    • [a-c] is same as [abc]

    We can also invert the character class using the caret(^) symbol. For example, 

    • [^0-3] means any number except 0, 1, 2, or 3
    • [^a-c] means any character except a, b, or c


    import re
    string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
    pattern = "[a-m]"
    result = re.findall(pattern, string)
    ['h', 'e', 'i', 'c', 'k', 'b', 'f', 'j', 'm', 'e', 'h', 'e', 'l', 'a', 'd', 'g']
    import re
    s = 'GeeksforGeeks: A computer science portal for geeks'
    match ='portal', s)
    print('Start Index:', match.start())
    print('End Index:', match.end())
    Start Index: 34
    End Index: 40

    The above code gives the starting index and the ending index of the string portal. 

    Note: Here r character (r’portal’) stands for raw, not regex. The raw string is slightly different from a regular string, it won’t interpret the \ character as an escape character. This is because the regular expression engine uses \ character for its own escaping purpose.

    Before starting with the Python regex module let’s see how to actually write regex using metacharacters or special sequences. 


    To understand the RE analogy, MetaCharacters are useful, important, and will be used in functions of module re. Below is the list of metacharacters.




    Used to drop the special meaning of character following it


    Represent a character class


    Matches the beginning


    Matches the end


    Matches any character except newline


    Means OR (Matches with any of the characters separated by it.


    Matches zero or one occurrence


    Any number of occurrences (including 0 occurrences)


    One or more occurrences


    Indicate the number of occurrences of a preceding regex to match.


    Enclose a group of Regex

    Let’s discuss each of these metacharacters in detail 

    \ – Backslash

    The backslash (\) makes sure that the character is not treated in a special way. This can be considered a way of escaping metacharacters. For example, if you want to search for the dot(.) in the string then you will find that dot(.) will be treated as a special character as is one of the metacharacters (as shown in the above table). So for this case, we will use the backslash(\) just before the dot(.) so that it will lose its specialty. See the below example for a better understanding.


    import re
    s = 'geeks.forgeeks'
    # without using \
    match ='.', s)
    # using \
    match ='\.', s)
    <re.Match object; span=(0, 1), match='g'>
    <re.Match object; span=(5, 6), match='.'>

    [] – Square Brackets

    Square Brackets ([]) represent a character class consisting of a set of characters that we wish to match. For example, the character class [abc] will match any single a, b, or c. 

    We can also specify a range of characters using – inside the square brackets. For example, 

    • [0, 3] is sample as [0123]
    • [a-c] is same as [abc]

    We can also invert the character class using the caret(^) symbol. For example, 

    • [^0-3] means any number except 0, 1, 2, or 3
    • [^a-c] means any character except a, b, or c


    import re
    string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
    pattern = "[a-m]"
    result = re.findall(pattern, string)
    ['h', 'e', 'i', 'c', 'k', 'b', 'f', 'j', 'm', 'e', 'h', 'e', 'l', 'a', 'd', 'g']

    ^ – Caret

    Caret (^) symbol matches the beginning of the string i.e. checks whether the string starts with the given character(s) or not. For example –  

    • ^g will check if the string starts with g such as geeks, globe, girl, g, etc.
    • ^ge will check if the string starts with ge such as geeks, geeksforgeeks, etc.


    import re
    # Match strings starting with "The"
    regex = r'^The'
    strings = ['The quick brown fox', 'The lazy dog', 'A quick brown fox']
    for string in strings:
        if re.match(regex, string):
            print(f'Matched: {string}')
            print(f'Not matched: {string}')
    Matched: The quick brown fox
    Matched: The lazy dog
    Not matched: A quick brown fox

    $ – Dollar

    Dollar($) symbol matches the end of the string i.e checks whether the string ends with the given character(s) or not. For example – 

    • s$ will check for the string that ends with a such as geeks, ends, s, etc.
    • ks$ will check for the string that ends with ks such as geeks, geeksforgeeks, ks, etc.


    import re
    string = "Hello World!"
    pattern = r"World!$"
    match =, string)
    if match:
        print("Match found!")
        print("Match not found.")
    Match found!

    . – Dot

    Dot(.) symbol matches only a single character except for the newline character (\n). For example –  

    • a.b will check for the string that contains any character at the place of the dot such as acb, acbd, abbb, etc
    • .. will check if the string contains at least 2 characters


    import re
    string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
    pattern = r""
    match =, string)
    if match:
        print("Match found!")
        print("Match not found.")
    Match found!

    | – Or

    Or symbol works as the or operator meaning it checks whether the pattern before or after the or symbol is present in the string or not. For example –  

    • a|b will match any string that contains a or b such as acd, bcd, abcd, etc.

    ? – Question Mark

    The question mark (?) is a quantifier in regular expressions that indicates that the preceding element should be matched zero or one time. It allows you to specify that the element is optional, meaning it may occur once or not at all. For example,

    • ab?c will be matched for the string ac, acb, dabc but will not be matched for abbc because there are two b. Similarly, it will not be matched for abdc because b is not followed by c.

    * – Star

    Star (*) symbol matches zero or more occurrences of the regex preceding the * symbol. For example –  

    • ab*c will be matched for the string ac, abc, abbbc, dabc, etc. but will not be matched for abdc because b is not followed by c.

    + – Plus

    Plus (+) symbol matches one or more occurrences of the regex preceding the + symbol. For example –  

    • ab+c will be matched for the string abc, abbc, dabc, but will not be matched for ac, abdc, because there is no b in ac and b, is not followed by c in abdc.

    {m, n} – Braces

    Braces match any repetitions preceding regex from m to n both inclusive. For example –  

    • a{2, 4} will be matched for the string aaab, baaaac, gaad, but will not be matched for strings like abc, bc because there is only one a or no a in both the cases.

    (<regex>) – Group

    Group symbol is used to group sub-patterns. For example –  

    • (a|b)cd will match for strings like acd, abcd, gacd, etc.

    Special Sequences

    Special sequences do not match for the actual character in the string instead it tells the specific location in the search string where the match must occur. It makes it easier to write commonly used patterns.  

    List of special sequences 

    Special Sequence




    Matches if the string begins with the given character


    for geeks

    for the world


    Matches if the word begins or ends with the given character. \b(string) will check for the beginning of the word and (string)\b will check for the ending of the word.





    It is the opposite of the \b i.e. the string should not start or end with the given regex.





    Matches any decimal digit, this is equivalent to the set class [0-9]





    Matches any non-digit character, this is equivalent to the set class [^0-9]





    Matches any whitespace character.


    gee ks

    a bc a


    Matches any non-whitespace character


    a bd



    Matches any alphanumeric character, this is equivalent to the class [a-zA-Z0-9_].





    Matches any non-alphanumeric character.





    Matches if the string ends with the given regex




    Regex Module in Python

    Python has a module named re that is used for regular expressions in Python. We can import this module by using the import statement.

    Example: Importing re module in Python 

    import re

    Let’s see various functions provided by this module to work with regex in Python. 


    Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found.

    Example: Finding all occurrences of a pattern 

    # A Python program to demonstrate working of
    # findall()
    import re
    # A sample text string where regular expression
    # is searched.
    string = """Hello my Number is 123456789 and
                my friend's number is 987654321"""
    # A sample regular expression to find digits.
    regex = '\d+'
    match = re.findall(regex, string)
    # This example is contributed by Ayush Saluja.
    ['123456789', '987654321']


    Regular expressions are compiled into pattern objects, which have methods for various operations such as searching for pattern matches or performing string substitutions. 

    Example 1:

    # Module Regular Expression is imported
    # using __import__().
    import re
    # compile() creates regular expression
    # character class [a-e],
    # which is equivalent to [abcde].
    # class [abcde] will match with string with
    # 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'.
    p = re.compile('[a-e]')
    # findall() searches for the Regular Expression
    # and return a list upon finding
    print(p.findall("Aye, said Mr. Gibenson Stark"))
    ['e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'a']


    ['e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'a']

    Understanding the Output: 

    • First occurrence is ‘e’ in “Aye” and not ‘A’, as it is Case Sensitive.
    • Next Occurrence is ‘a’ in “said”, then ‘d’ in “said”, followed by ‘b’ and ‘e’ in “Gibenson”, the Last ‘a’ matches with “Stark”.
    • Metacharacter backslash ‘\’ has a very important role as it signals various sequences. If the backslash is to be used without its special meaning as metacharacter, use’\\’

    Example 2: Set class [\s,.] will match any whitespace character,  ‘,’,  or, ‘.’ . 

    import re
    # \d is equivalent to [0-9].
    p = re.compile('\d')
    print(p.findall("I went to him at 11 A.M. on 4th July 1886"))
    # \d+ will match a group on [0-9], group
    # of one or greater size
    p = re.compile('\d+')
    print(p.findall("I went to him at 11 A.M. on 4th July 1886"))
    ['1', '1', '4', '1', '8', '8', '6']
    ['11', '4', '1886']


    ['1', '1', '4', '1', '8', '8', '6']
    ['11', '4', '1886']

    Example 3:

    import re
    # \w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_].
    p = re.compile('\w')
    print(p.findall("He said * in some_lang."))
    # \w+ matches to group of alphanumeric character.
    p = re.compile('\w+')
    print(p.findall("I went to him at 11 A.M., he \
    said *** in some_language."))
    # \W matches to non alphanumeric characters.
    p = re.compile('\W')
    print(p.findall("he said *** in some_language."))
    ['H', 'e', 's', 'a', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'n', 's', 'o', 'm', 'e', '_', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g']
    ['I', 'went', 'to', 'him', 'at', '11', 'A', 'M', 'he', 'said', 'in', 'some_language']
    [' ', ' ', '*', '*', '*', ' ', ' ', '.']


    ['H', 'e', 's', 'a', 'i', 'd', 'i', 'n', 's', 'o', 'm', 'e', '_', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g']
    ['I', 'went', 'to', 'him', 'at', '11', 'A', 'M', 'he', 'said', 'in', 'some_language']
    [' ', ' ', '*', '*', '*', ' ', ' ', '.']

    Example 4:

    import re
    # '*' replaces the no. of occurrence
    # of a character.
    p = re.compile('ab*')
    ['ab', 'abb', 'a', 'abbb']


    ['ab', 'abb', 'a', 'abbb']

    Understanding the Output: 

    • Our RE is ab*, which ‘a’ accompanied by any no. of ‘b’s, starting from 0.
    • Output ‘ab’, is valid because of single ‘a’ accompanied by single ‘b’.
    • Output ‘abb’, is valid because of single ‘a’ accompanied by 2 ‘b’.
    • Output ‘a’, is valid because of single ‘a’ accompanied by 0 ‘b’.
    • Output ‘abbb’, is valid because of single ‘a’ accompanied by 3 ‘b’.


    Split string by the occurrences of a character or a pattern, upon finding that pattern, the remaining characters from the string are returned as part of the resulting list. 

    Syntax : 

    re.split(pattern, string, maxsplit=0, flags=0)

    The First parameter, pattern denotes the regular expression, string is the given string in which pattern will be searched for and in which splitting occurs, maxsplit if not provided is considered to be zero ‘0’, and if any nonzero value is provided, then at most that many splits occur. If maxsplit = 1, then the string will split once only, resulting in a list of length 2. The flags are very useful and can help to shorten code, they are not necessary parameters, eg: flags = re.IGNORECASE, in this split, the case, i.e. the lowercase or the uppercase will be ignored.

    Example 1:

    from re import split
    # '\W+' denotes Non-Alphanumeric Characters
    # or group of characters Upon finding ','
    # or whitespace ' ', the split(), splits the
    # string from that point
    print(split('\W+', 'Words, words , Words'))
    print(split('\W+', "Word's words Words"))
    # Here ':', ' ' ,',' are not AlphaNumeric thus,
    # the point where splitting occurs
    print(split('\W+', 'On 12th Jan 2016, at 11:02 AM'))
    # '\d+' denotes Numeric Characters or group of
    # characters Splitting occurs at '12', '2016',
    # '11', '02' only
    print(split('\d+', 'On 12th Jan 2016, at 11:02 AM'))
    ['Words', 'words', 'Words']
    ['Word', 's', 'words', 'Words']
    ['On', '12th', 'Jan', '2016', 'at', '11', '02', 'AM']
    ['On ', 'th Jan ', ', at ', ':', ' AM']


    ['Words', 'words', 'Words']
    ['Word', 's', 'words', 'Words']
    ['On', '12th', 'Jan', '2016', 'at', '11', '02', 'AM']
    ['On ', 'th Jan ', ', at ', ':', ' AM']

    Example 2:

    import re
    # Splitting will occurs only once, at
    # '12', returned list will have length 2
    print(re.split('\d+', 'On 12th Jan 2016, at 11:02 AM', 1))
    # 'Boy' and 'boy' will be treated same when
    # flags = re.IGNORECASE
    print(re.split('[a-f]+', 'Aey, Boy oh boy, come here', flags=re.IGNORECASE))
    print(re.split('[a-f]+', 'Aey, Boy oh boy, come here'))
    ['On ', 'th Jan 2016, at 11:02 AM']
    ['', 'y, ', 'oy oh ', 'oy, ', 'om', ' h', 'r', '']
    ['A', 'y, Boy oh ', 'oy, ', 'om', ' h', 'r', '']


    ['On ', 'th Jan 2016, at 11:02 AM']
    ['', 'y, ', 'oy oh ', 'oy, ', 'om', ' h', 'r', '']
    ['A', 'y, Boy oh ', 'oy, ', 'om', ' h', 'r', '']


    The ‘sub’ in the function stands for SubString, a certain regular expression pattern is searched in the given string(3rd parameter), and upon finding the substring pattern is replaced by repl(2nd parameter), count checks and maintains the number of times this occurs. 


     re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

    Example 1:

    import re
    # Regular Expression pattern 'ub' matches the
    # string at "Subject" and "Uber". As the CASE
    # has been ignored, using Flag, 'ub' should
    # match twice with the string Upon matching,
    # 'ub' is replaced by '~*' in "Subject", and
    # in "Uber", 'Ub' is replaced.
    print(re.sub('ub', '~*', 'Subject has Uber booked already',
    # Consider the Case Sensitivity, 'Ub' in
    # "Uber", will not be replaced.
    print(re.sub('ub', '~*', 'Subject has Uber booked already'))
    # As count has been given value 1, the maximum
    # times replacement occurs is 1
    print(re.sub('ub', '~*', 'Subject has Uber booked already',
                 count=1, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
    # 'r' before the pattern denotes RE, \s is for
    # start and end of a String.
    print(re.sub(r'\sAND\s', ' & ', 'Baked Beans And Spam',
    S~*ject has ~*er booked already
    S~*ject has Uber booked already
    S~*ject has Uber booked already
    Baked Beans & Spam


    S~*ject has ~*er booked already
    S~*ject has Uber booked already
    S~*ject has Uber booked already
    Baked Beans & Spam


    subn() is similar to sub() in all ways, except in its way of providing output. It returns a tuple with a count of the total of replacement and the new string rather than just the string. 


     re.subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)


    import re
    print(re.subn('ub', '~*', 'Subject has Uber booked already'))
    t = re.subn('ub', '~*', 'Subject has Uber booked already',
    # This will give same output as sub() would have
    ('S~*ject has Uber booked already', 1)
    ('S~*ject has ~*er booked already', 2)
    S~*ject has ~*er booked already


    ('S~*ject has Uber booked already', 1)
    ('S~*ject has ~*er booked already', 2)
    Length of Tuple is:  2
    S~*ject has ~*er booked already


    Returns string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed, this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.




    import re
    # escape() returns a string with BackSlash '\',
    # before every Non-Alphanumeric Character
    # In 1st case only ' ', is not alphanumeric
    # In 2nd case, ' ', caret '^', '-', '[]', '\'
    # are not alphanumeric
    print(re.escape("This is Awesome even 1 AM"))
    print(re.escape("I Asked what is this [a-9], he said \t ^WoW"))
    This\ is\ Awesome\ even\ 1\ AM
    I\ Asked\ what\ is\ this\ \[a\-9\]\,\ he\ said\ \    \ \^WoW

    This method either returns None (if the pattern doesn’t match), or a re.MatchObject contains information about the matching part of the string. This method stops after the first match, so this is best suited for testing a regular expression more than extracting data.

    Example: Searching for an occurrence of the pattern

    # A Python program to demonstrate working of re.match().
    import re
    # Lets use a regular expression to match a date string
    # in the form of Month name followed by day number
    regex = r"([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)"
    match =, "I was born on June 24")
    if match != None:
        # We reach here when the expression "([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)"
        # matches the date string.
        # This will print [14, 21), since it matches at index 14
        # and ends at 21.
        print ("Match at index %s, %s" % (match.start(), match.end()))
        # We use group() method to get all the matches and
        # captured groups. The groups contain the matched values.
        # In particular:
        # always returns the fully matched string
        #, ... return the capture
        # groups in order from left to right in the input string
        # is equivalent to
        # So this will print "June 24"
        print ("Full match: %s" % (
        # So this will print "June"
        print ("Month: %s" % (
        # So this will print "24"
        print ("Day: %s" % (
        print ("The regex pattern does not match.")
    Match at index 14, 21
    Full match: June 24
    Month: June
    Day: 24

    Match Object

    A Match object contains all the information about the search and the result and if there is no match found then None will be returned. Let’s see some of the commonly used methods and attributes of the match object.

    Getting the string and the regex attribute returns the regular expression passed and match.string attribute returns the string passed.

    Example: Getting the string and the regex of the matched object

    import re
    s = "Welcome to GeeksForGeeks"
    # here x is the match object
    res ="\bG", s)
    Welcome to GeeksForGeeks

    Getting index of matched object

    • start() method returns the starting index of the matched substring
    • end() method returns the ending index of the matched substring
    • span() method returns a tuple containing the starting and the ending index of the matched substring

    Example: Getting index of matched object 

    import re
    s = "Welcome to GeeksForGeeks"
    # here x is the match object
    res ="\bGee", s)
    (11, 14)

    Getting matched substring

    group() method returns the part of the string for which the patterns match. See the below example for a better understanding.

    Example: Getting matched substring 

    import re
    s = "Welcome to GeeksForGeeks"
    # here x is the match object
    res ="\D{2} t", s)
    me t


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